Greetings and well met! Welcome to the official website for the Shire of Beau Fort.

The Shire of Beau Fort is a growing part of the Society for Creative Anachronism and a proud part of the glorious Kingdom of Meridies. Our lands center in Gainesville, Georgia and include Rabun, Hall, Forsyth, Banks, Lumpkin, Habersham and Dawson counties. 

We are a local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The SCA is a worldwide organization dedicated to the study, re-creation, and re-enactment of the pre-17th century world, including Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. If you were to run into any of our 30,000 active members, located in 19 “Kingdoms” spread across the world, you could find them dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Ancient Rome, Norse/Viking and hundreds of other varieties, attending events which feature tournaments, arts exhibits and competitions, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts, royal courts, and much much more.

Our theme of our signature event this year is Golden Lily XXV Nowruz Festival Celebration — East Meets West!

If you’re interested in becoming active with the SCA, we’d like to see you at one of our meetings or fighter practices, which are posted in our Facebook group. If you’re interested in attending an event, we can assist with that as well. If you have any questions, please contact our Seneschal or our group Chatelaine, the new member contact.

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